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one stop practical advice to 'join the dots' of your life in France...

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Our aim is to build a long term relationship with our client where we can discuss, plan and adapt the best route for your work, personal needs and family as you grow, develop and live in France.


Our experience and understanding comes from working ‘on the ground’ with clients. 


You will see comments on social media and news channels.  Friends and groups will be offer honest well intended advice. However, it is important that you understand all the options to create the best plan for YOU.


Every day we are engaging with organisations, using the online administration systems and discussing with our 1000+ clients their experiences.


Even with excellent French, good admin skills and plenty time…planning the best option to ‘join the dots’ between work, health, business, tax, investment, retirement and property can be a challenge even for French nationals – which is why there so many ‘French companies’ who assist French nationals with their tax and admin.


Here at Peter JOHNSON are specialism is to ensure that the added factor of being an ex-pat is built into your planning.  We are authorized and licensed to work with clients at an individual level.  We work in partnership with a chartered French accountant, Axylis, for business clients, VAT returns and complex personal fiscal and tax issues.


So before making any decision, check in with us first.

Case Study

Jody & Paul want to move to France with two young children. Jody has a UK Salary and Paul had an early retirement plan. They needed help with a working visa, self employment then create a French limited company at the right moment, an efficient method  to declare rental income and make sure the family is covered with French Healthcare and insurance....complicated but doable.


joining the, life, health, work and tax...

Case Study

Paul and Sarah are retiring to France.  Paul is of retirement age so we can move him into the healthcare system. Sarah doesn't get the state pension for three years but we find a solution as the same time planning for when gets her S1. Paul has some UK investments, ISAs, shares and interest - to prevent him paying 30% tax we create a French investment vehicle.



joining the dots...retirement, healthcare, invest and tax...

Case Study

Ted is a US Citizen moving to France. He still does some online consultancy and needs French healthcare. He has some good US income which we protect from French tax and then create a work structure which makes him able to work in France legitimately. VISAs, self employment with a tax efficient healthcare option are all part of the mix.



joining the dots...Visas, work, healthcare and tax

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French Tax Business and Financial Advice

SIRET 479 554 784 RCS Vannes

Tax Consultant and Registered Independent Financial Advisor ORIAS 07 005 235

Professional Insurance QBE France Responsabilité civile professionnelle ET Garantie Financière

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